Episode 4 - Pathology Visions 2020
This episode's guests: Abbey Norris and Michael Rivers
In this special edition of Digital Pathology Today, we are recapping Pathology Visions 2020 - the premier meeting in digital pathology, which is, of course, put on by the Digital Pathology Association (DPA).
We'll be talking with Abbey Norris, the executive director of the Digital Pathology Association and Michael Rivers of Roche Tissue Diagnostics and the current president of the DPA.
Abbey and Michael were instrumental in organizing this year's virtual meeting.
If there's one theme that's emerging, it’s that digital pathology is a reality in 2020. It is no longer pie-in-the-sky talk about what might happen at some point in the future. It is a reality in the practice of medicine in 2020. Changes in terms of adoption and innovation are only being accelerated by vast improvements in technology and artificial intelligence applications. The global pandemic has certainly accelerated adoption - specifically remote sign out of actual patient cases in clinical practice.
More About Abbey Norris
Abigail Norris is President of an association management company, the Ward Management Group.
She has been in the association management industry for over 7 years working with a variety of non-profit organizations such as the Digital Pathology Association, for which she serves as Executive Director. It is Abigail’s personal mission to advance professional associations through responsible leadership in organizational development, administration, membership, education, marketing and public relations. Abigail’s up to date knowledge of demographics and the general business climate affecting the present and future of association work has led to a success in membership building, association marketing and overall improvement in organizational effectiveness for her clients. Implementing and achieving the strategic vision of member-based professional societies through collaboration, facilitation, organization and communication is her main priority.
More About Michael Rivers
Michael Rivers, Vice President and Lifecycle Leader, Digital Pathology – Roche Tissue Diagnostics; President, Digital Pathology Association
Michael joined Roche Tissue Diagnostics in 2006 and has been Lifecycle Leader for Digital Pathology since October 2015. In this role he leads the Digital Pathology team in Santa Clara, California to develop and commercialize the Digital Pathology portfolio of products and technology for Roche. Michael also currently serves as President of the Digital Pathology Association and has been a member of the DPA Board of Directors since 2015.
Prior to this Michael was the general manager of the research business at Roche Tissue Diagnostics. In this position he was responsible for the management of Roche’s Discovery product line, as well as leadership of Spring Bioscience, Roche’s wholly owned subsidiary specializing in the development and production of rabbit monoclonal antibodies designed for IHC applications. Michael has held a number of sales and marketing leadership roles at Roche Tissue Diagnostics and is passionate about the opportunity to impact cancer diagnostics with Digital Pathology.