Season 2, Episode 3
Beyond Paraffin
This episode's guests: David Tulman, PhD
Our guest is David Tulman PhD & co-Founder of Instapath.
With digital pathology, we are utilizing new methods to view images acquired from a very old technology - Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sections from formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue, which have been prepared the same way for over 100 years.
This method actually adds steps, time and expense. But what if we could also reinvent the way we handle tissue to instantaneously view images from samples without having to process to fix and process them in the traditional way?
Can we move beyond paraffin?
More About David Tulman
David Tulman PhD is an entrepreneur, biomedical engineer, and translational scientist. He is a co-founder of Instapath, a digital pathology company building next-generation microscopy systems for point of care pathology, laboratory medicine, and research applications.
David Tulman is a biomedical engineer, cancer researcher, and entrepreneur. He earned a PhD in Bioinnovation from Tulane University, focusing on the development of novel microscopy systems for point-of-care pathology evaluations. David is a founder of Instapath, a company that formed in 2017 to build and commercialize systems that image pathology tissue without fixing or cutting. Instapath operates out of the Texas Medical Center in Houston.
Instapath introduces an innovative solution utilizing optical scanning microscopy to evaluate the composition of the entire fresh sample within minutes at the point-of-procedure and preserve it for downstream testing.
David is also the host of "Beyond the Scope" podcast from the Digital Pathology Association.